MoES Recruitment 2021
MoES Recruitment 2021:The Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) has invited applications for various job positions. The application process is underway and the last date to fill the application form is August 20. Candidates who wish to apply can do so through the official website of the ministry. (www.moes.gov.in).
Vacancy details
This recruitment drive to fill vacancies in National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR) has begun to fill 81 vacancies out of which, 29, 35 and 3 posts are for Project Scientist I, II, and III respectively. Four vacancies are for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF), one vacancy is for Technical Assistant and 9 vacancies are for Field Assistants.
Age Limit
The upper age limit for Project Scientist III is 45 years, for Project Scientist II is 40 years and for Project Scientist I it’s 35 years. For Technical Assistant and Field Assistant, the upper age limit is 50 years and for Senior Research Fellow (SRF) upper age limit is 32 years.
Educational Qualification
A graduation degree in Chemistry recognized from any university is a must for candidates applying for the post of Technical Assistant. For the post of Field Assistant, the candidate must have a diploma in engineering. For more information on the educational qualifications of different posts, the candidates should follow the official notification released on the MoES website.
How to apply
· To fill the online form, visit the official website of MoES (www.moes.gov.in)
· Click on the recruitment section
· Register yourself, fill all the required details, and submit the form
· Take a printout of the application and send the hard copy to The Director, National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR), Ministry of Earth Sciences in Chennai.
· On the cover of the application form mention ‘Application for